Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is a little late...buuuut....

Konnor Lawrence
Born: November 18th at 9:28 PM

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oh Baby

I haven't updated this in forever. Well, that amazing guy I was seeing in my last post is now my amazing fiancee. And we are expecting our first child! Baby boy Konnor will be here November 14th!

I don't really know what else to say besides I love my life, and I consider myself very lucky :).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Is Finally Here :)

I just thought I'd put an update up since I haven't in a little while.

My mom, sister and uncle scooter sent
me a box of peeps and cookies for Easter :)

I've been ridiculously happy lately. I'm seeing a really amazing guy.
& I can't stop smiling,.

Other than that life has been good all in all. I have about a month 'til graduation. I've been keeping up with my work, going out and enjoying the time I have left in Plattsburgh, and thinking a lot about my future.

Life is good lately, I couldn't be happier :).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Toubles will come, and they will pass

Graduation is in 47 days, but who's counting?
After 5 years.
One semester off.
Numerous friends that have come and gone.
One serious relationship and a few silly ones.
Many interesting decisions, some good and some bad.
130something credits.
Countless crazy nights.
Too much campus food.
I'll have my bachelors in Psychology.

Moving on...
I'm not going to lie, since December I've made a few terrible decisions. However, I've definitely learned from my mistakes & I think that's what really matters. I was naiive and could have gotten myself into a would of trouble. Luckily, everything shook out alright and I've climbed out of the ditch that I so willingly jumped into. Coming out of the daze that I was in, the one thing that I will say is...the next person to declare their love for me better actually mean it. Don't lie to me to get what you want, I don't think I deserve to be treated that way.

I'm not unhappy, not in the least...I'm excited for the future. I can't wait to mto experience whatever the future has in store for me. I know that it may not always be great, but I'm willing to except the bad with the good.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

48 days

I can't wait to graduate.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

People they come together, and people they fall apart

I'm in an amazing mood for no reason what-s0-ever.

I have a bunch of studying to do.
I miss my family.
And my life is so ridiculous right now I wouldn't even know where to begin in explaining it all.

But, I can either choose to be happy...or sit around an mope about things.
So I'm choosing to be happy.
And that is that.